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Lenzz is a fanatical DJ, record collector and radiohost of Lenzzie's Nu-Grooves.

That he likes to color outside the box can be seen in his colorful varied record collection. He likes variety and surprises and you can hear that in his DJ sets. The only criterion he sets for his DJ sets is that it must be danceable

Lenzz co-founded QH Radio an online radio station that was prominently featured in promoting Quality House between 2007 and 2012 and providing a place for talent to showcase their talents.

After a break of a few years, Lenzz has picked up his passion for making radio again and is leading the way with his 2-hour radio program Lenzzie's Nu-Grooves, which appears weekly on Soundcloud. In Lenzzie's Nu-Grooves he mainly plays the latest funky and groovy house and disco edits. Besides producing Lenzzie's Nu-Grooves, Lenzz is presenting a disco and funk radioprogram on the Dutch radiostation where he is playing disco and funk from the 70's.
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