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100 Dances Reworked

Swing Ting

Swing Ting
SWINGTINGRMX002 | 2020-10-28  
100 Dances was the first long-player produced entirely by Samrai & Platt. The culmination of over a decade of running parties and producing tracks under the Swing Tingmoniker. This 100 Dances Reworked set sees producers KG, Ikonika, Sam Binga as well as the pair themselves retouch and revisit five of the original ten tracks.

Firstly, KG flips the Thai-Chi Rosè featuring "Drama" into a summer BBQ bubbler, complete with 90s-esque guitar before it gets rough and ready after the drop. Next up Ikonika ramps up the tempo of "Bubblegum" with deft strings and subs morphing it into a bittersweet yet dangerous reflip - demonstrating her prowess with working with dancehall-infused vocals [NB please see her work with Boston's 45 Di Boss]. Bristol's Sam Binga retwists the Trigga-featuring "Swagger & Flex" keeping things lively with UK funky-esque drum patterns, a bulging bassline and slick chops. Samrai & Platt step up for the final two reworks, subtly dubbing Lovescene serene vocals on the streaming hit "Signs" whilst injecting some smart 2-step swagger and low-end alterations. Finally Shanique Marie's smooth take of "Give Thanks" recorded in one take earlier this summer with piano and keys rearranged especially by Samrai, Platt & Antonia Canal rounds of the EP in fitting style.

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