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Happy New Year you Global lovelies!! John Khan Paul Lyons & Leighton Jones "Just for you" SGR007 SoulGood Recordings are kicking off 2022 with their first release on the label this year with a beautiful, heartfelt song from John Khan Paul Lyons & Leighton Jones with a release called "Just for You". The lyrics on this song written & performed by Leighton Jones, married to an awesome groove created by John Khan & Paul Lyons will captivate many and you will be drawn into the message straight from the offset. You will definitely relate to this one in your own way. It's all about being there for somebody in their time of need, helping a brother or sister out from time to time, generally showing love to one another when the chips are down. You get the picture? Don't suffer in silence anymore! Just pick up the phone.... Time for some love this year peeps. Enjoy!
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