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War - What Is It Good For?

Dr. Bazil, Frank H Carter III

Vagrant Soundz
VS8 | 2022-08-03  
Many moons ago Edwin Starr recorded War. The sentiment and the feelings expressed in the original song are no less different today. With people enduring immense suffering, displacement and the daily carnage of a conflict out of control, Dr. Bazil and Frank H Carter III came together to record their version of the track. Acid-tinged Jackin' House with Frank's extraordinary vocals add another element to the original and it is a heartfelt plea to the world.

As the majority of the planet dances and sings without experiencing the same level of pain, think on your brothers and sisters who are enduring a world gone mad. This version of the protest song is something the House community can get behind. With all label profits going to the Australian Red Cross for their Ukraine Crisis Appeal, we urge you to buy a copy so we can all make a difference.

Rubber People have also added their special brilliance to this release in the only way they know how. Driving, infectious and Jackin' beats reinforce the message that we need peace not war, and that it must be stopped all cost.

If you purchase or stream a version of War we thank you immensely. If you want to donate to the charity, please head over to

Make Love Not War #ThisisHouse
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