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Regole Di Terzi

Gus Paterson

Citizens Of Vice
COV041 | 2023-03-10  
Citizens Of Vice return from it’s winter hibernation with a delightful EP from Gus Paterson.

As a classically trained pianist and violinist, music has played a pivotal role in Gus's life. Since those early years, Gus has never ceased on a journey to define his sound, initially exploring and honing his darker electronic side through releases and remixes on Bokhari Records and Swamp Tapes where he is also the creative director.

This release ‘Regole De Terzi’ sees Gus pursue a slightly different warmer, groovier cosmic boogie direction that had been itching to emerge for some time. This new direction, like Gus, feels care free and not too serious. It's a sound he is comfortably growing into that aims to embody the warmth, groove, soul and musicality in the records he avidly collects and loves to share in his DJ sets and radio shows.

Mastered by: Simon Mills / One Half Of Bent

Art: Gus Paterson / COV

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