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M011 | 2023-06-30  
We are thrilled to present the latest release from renowned Portuguese duo and record label owners, Bubba Brothers. The “Meanings” single includes two tracks – “Meaning” and the upbeat anthem “Alma”. With their signature groovy house sound, Bubba Brothers have crafted a perfect summer soundtrack for poolside parties. The first track “Meaning” holds a special place in their hearts as they gear up for their Ibiza residency this year and that's the reason of the name to it. Its infectious beat and all-encompassing energy will be sure to light up dance floors around the world, while "Alma" features slick rap vocals matched with an unbeatable groove that keeps you dancing until sunrise. With never-ending talent and a commitment to quality, Bubba Brothers continue to push musical boundaries and provide beats that are both inspiring and uplifting. Get ready to experience the sounds of Bubba Brothers as “Meaning” and ‘Alma’ move your body!

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