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Techno Freek

Various Artists

SEC017 | 2023-07-07  
Techno Freak : Fantasy story telling through cover art, classic techno beats, and vocals.

The fem character called “Techno Freek” pictured in an apocalyptic city scene is a shy yet destructive girl who has become taken over by her obsession with techno and the darkness of living in a dystopian city.

The vocals featured in the tracks “Techno Freek” and “Closer” is actually the fem character speaking to the listener. This gives the listener an opportunity to go deeper inside of the music as they listen.

The AMX track “Let Me See You” is an alter-ego of The AM. AMX tracks are typically more of an electro/ghetto tech vibe in the 150’s. Much more playful with vocals and up beat.

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