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Organic Tunes welcomes Ukrainian producers AYU (UA) and Air Projecton to the label with their debut release Poem.
AYU (UA) - electronic duo by - Alex Daf & Yuri Stark from Lviv, Ukraine.
Air Project - Ukrainian trance/progressive duo, musicians, producersand djs also from Lviv, Ukraine.
Natalka Denisenko (Voice) - Ukrainian theater, film and dubbing actress, announcer, director and TV presenter.
This track became very special for the boys just as it was written in a difficult times for Ukraine, the text of this poem conveys this whole story very well. This tune has real Ukrainian soul and the incredible voice of Natalka Denisenko, who reads a very emotional poem by Lina Kostenko 'And EverythingIn The World Must Be Experienced'

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