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FMR106 | 2024-02-02  
"Perpetual" is an intoxicating song that delves into the addictive allure of music, using cigarettes as a metaphor. It seduces listeners with captivating rhythms, blurring the boundaries between music and addiction. Get ready for a wild ride as you surrender to the everlasting power of "Perpetual"

The song came to life several years ago, inspired by a DVS1 track. Originally, Dimitri shared some parts of the song with me, and I instantly fell in love with it. However, we never pursued it further. Over time, I couldn't resist adding a few extra elements to complete the song, but Dimitri didn't share the same enthusiasm for releasing music.

Consequently, the song sat dormant on our hard drive for a significant period. Eventually, I decided that it was time for this gem to see the light of day. Its quality was too remarkable to let it fade away, gathering digital dust. That's why I proudly present "Perpetual," a testament to the creative journey it embarked upon and the belief that some music is simply too extraordinary to remain hidden.

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