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YHV504A | 2024-03-01  
TSHEPVNG and Gratias Deo join forces to release "Ingwe," a musical tribute that resonates with the regal essence of kingship. The title, derived from African cultures, encapsulates the symbolism of leadership and royalty. In these traditions, "Ingwe" is often associated with the leopard, a creature embodying power, strength, and stealth – a cultural icon synonymous with leadership.

Beyond its African roots, "Ingwe" transcends into Middle-earth mythology, where it represents a noble Elf leader at the pinnacle of Elven royalty. This dual cultural reference creates a rich tapestry of sound that pays homage to both African heritage and fantastical realms.

"Ingwe" invites listeners to immerse themselves in a sonic journey that captures the majestic attributes of leadership. The collaboration between TSHEPVNG and Gratias Deo is a testament to their ability to blend cultural nuances seamlessly, creating a track that stands as an ode to kingship in its various forms.

Producer: TSHEPVNG, Gratias Deo
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Record Label: YHV Records
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