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OF012 | 2009-04-13  
One51 presents some of it's forthcoming material for the 2009Not only is “Ayce” content with his debut release on Duffnote, he and Karlito emerge triumphant with “Havana”, a wonderful slice of latin jazz. Soaring horn lines and some sublime trumpet soloing complement Paul Lee’s stunning vocal. Label heads, Richard Earnshaw & Danny Jones are back in One51 mode with their first single since 2005. “Together as one” blends all the elements you’d expect in their more jazz infused collaboration. Featuring on this sampler is their “Flute Dub” which brings them back together with legendary flute player, Mart Winning who did the business on their well received “Si Weka” on Soulfuric Deep. Already featured on Guess Records, Lefthander is undergoing One51isms releasing “Breaking New Ground” with the Undertone remix featuring here. A more recent addition is “Drifting Away”, a chilled out broken beat affair.

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