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Bell Mesk, DJ since the early 90s, has always had a black influence on his sound. It carried over into black music from the 70s, 80s and 90s... Soon after, around 1994/1995, the black influences of electronic music were already present in their sets, while EuroDance somewhat dominated the dance music scene in the area. from Ceilândia and Taguatinga, yes Bell Mesk is from the outskirts, his sound was influenced by Chicago.
At the end of the 90s, drum'n'bass came into existence, a sound that continued until the end of 2004, when he decided to move towards the sophisticated and refined sound of House Music. In 2005, he was invited by Henrique Hermeto to play in his Deep House Culture project, where he would open the night for the legendary Victor Simonelli, where he even received records from Victor himself.
And from 2005 to the present day, he has represented his own characteristic sound, being an influence and reference in the Federal District.
In 2008, he began his residency at the trendy Dudu Bar on 303 Sul, a residency that lasted until 2024, where the music represented and influenced other venues throughout the DF.
House music with disco and funk vibes are essential elements in his sound.
If you have any doubts, you can find their productions and sets in abundance on the internet.
Bell Mesk since 2005 wearing the House Music shirt in its essence, consecrating him as one of the best House Music DJs in Brazil and the world, being an icon of greatest reference in Brasília.

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