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CAIANDA, DJ, Artist. Owner of Everything Is Energy Record Label
has been a rising name in both the electronic industry, house music and lisbon urban culture.

A mix of his origin/culture and his passion made him the Afrohouse Music. Afro Tech Master..
His performances are electric and versatile, making mashups of well-known vocals / unique and quite powerful beats.
we also saw his track "VOODOO" to be played by DIPLO, on the World Tour of MAJOR LAZER 2018.

Caianda was born in Luanda, Angola
He moved to Lisbon when he was 16 years old.
Lisbon was the city where he discoverd his biggest passion "House Music".
Addiction quickly became an obsession.
A mix of his origin/culture and his passion made him the Afrohouse Music. Afro Tech Master..

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