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I was born in Houston, Texas and have loved music all of my life. My original stage name was Cordoba Khan, (CK) for short. I patterned the name Cordoba in 1980 at the age of 15, after the Chrysler Cordoba. I then looked up the word Cordoba and found that it was a beautiful city in Southern Spain, so the name, stuck with me. I derived the ‘Khan’ part of my name from the great Chaka Khan, whom I’ve admired since I was 14 years young. The name Cordoba Khan was so harmonious and when I heard them pronounced together, I heard my destiny.

During that time in my life, though I thought I knew the Lord as my personal savior, I did not. Finally, in the year of 1994, I sought the Lord with my whole heart and repented of my sins. God showed His faithfulness to me on the first Sunday of November. He filled me with the power of His Holy Ghost. Now I am commissioned by the Lord to sing of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of righteousness, and of hope and love.

“During that time in my life, though I thought I knew the Lord as my personal savior, I did not.”

I am ever striving to be God’s Man in the spirit of excellence. I am a self-motivated and progressive servant of God with 11 years of experience assisting and leading congregations, as well as managing administrative operations and functions of the church. My growth in education and experience in God is directed toward assisting culturally diverse churches towards goals set forth by ministry.

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