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Hey all and y’all, My name is Nakisha, my artist name I have chosen is ENNÈ, it came to me in a vision written exactly as I’ve written it so I decided to go with it. My artist name is pronounced “N” so, really easy, considering my full name is more of a poem or rap than a name to give a baby. My mum has apologised, back in 2017 when she had to fill in some paper work on my behalf, she finally knew what it felt like every time I have to fill in a form haha, it doesn’t fit on a passport. If you are curious about my full name, ask me to say it at a show sometime, you will be glad I have an artist name.
I have been told I have strong opinions on my artistry, and I took it as a compliment, because I do. I believe in giving a voice to those that may struggle to get heard, & shining a light on love and the many ways we can express to each other in order to understand better. My favourite way is communication through the arts, which is what I reincarnated to do here in this lifetime, so thats fortunate. I also enjoy deep discussions with those who are hard to understand, and I like to bring love in places hard to love. Freedom is my vibe, but freedom in the mind is key, so I study philosophy and other cultures as well as myself to make sure I can live life to my full potential. I think this is an artistry in itself, and is the reason I’m deeply connected to what I do.
My story is one of overcoming and my message is one of empowerment, I want to use my gifts to contribute to humanity in the best way I can all while having some fun with you guys. I have got into production recently and it’s been an added tool to my souls voice, really enjoying it and it seems LoFI Hiphop soul, is my vibe. I just want to be able to do me and in doing so, you guys can do you, true love right there, let’s have some true love.
I hope you enjoy the sounds I make and the things you hear, I am 100% independent at the moment and building a team of soul tribe for my next phase, so watch and listen and be part of my journey.

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