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Aril Brikha about Art of Vengeance: The idea behind Art of Vengeance is simply to put out music I like. It will never be categorised in any genres or styles. It’s just going to be good shit no matter if it’s House, Techno, Trance, Ambient or Jazz. I had the idea to start the label around 1997 but when I managed to get my music signed on Transmat I decided to use the name for my first release, the Art of Vengeance EP. The idea behind the name is purely to make art, in this case music, instead of something destructive. To channel negative energy or anger into something more creative. The plan is to have artwork that hopefully goes along with the music or in worst/best case has nothing to do with it and just being a nice piece of art that I would like to have on my wall. I’m a big fan of photography and hopefully I will find pieces that both me and the photographer would like to have exposed on a 12 inch cover, along with some nice music. Art of Vengeance - We care about the small people.

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